April 16th, 2013

Virtual Job interview

Before attending your job interview, it’s wise to have a few practice runs to ensure you get the best out of your limited time to sell yourself.

You could ask your family or friends to walk you through a number of questions; however, if they are not experienced interviewers, it is unlikely they are going to ask you challenging questions to hone your skills. You could, however, take part in our Virtual Job Interview which will let you know whether your answers are on the right track!

The wonderful World Wide Web comes to the rescue.  If you visit YouTube, and type in ‘virtual Job Interview’ you will be presented with a wealth of videos that can be tailored to your industry sector or to questions that are likely to be asked at your forth coming meeting.  Not only do they offer a chance to conduct some private role play, but they also provide helpful tips and hints on the best way to approach a subject matter.

Don’t forget to take time to research the company you intend to meet as well!